Alexia Toulmet profile picture

👋 Hi there !

I’m Alexia Toulmet, and I work as a software engineer. But let’s get into more details.


I graduated from Sciences Po Paris in 2016 in Public Affairs, and decided right away I wanted to start coding. I wanted to create things on my own. I learned C at 42, and discovered web development in 2017 (still at 42). I fell in love with JavaScript, especially React. I got my first coding experience at PayFit. After a super fulfilling year, I decided to become a freelancer.

...And beside coding and teaching ?

Beside coding and teaching, I’m passionate about East Asia. I lived in Taipei for a year, and in Beijing for 6 months, where I learned to speak Chinese (大家好 👋), and I keep studying it. I’m weird, but I definitely prefer the traditional characters. Since then, I take every opportuniy to stay connected to this part of the world - travelling there, eating asian food (/ bubble tea 💜), watching taiwanese, korean or japanese movies, and reading books that send me back there.

Let's get in touch