Here are some things I did for the 4+ years since I’m coding in web
When INCO first got in touch with me, they had a full PDF report about how to help tech companies become more inclusive. The goal was to create a more interactive experience from it. Working with a great UI designer, that is how we came up with this final website. Check it out down there 👇
Starting from product mockups, I first helped Agorastore's team create their own Design System. Once defined, I coded the Components Library in a dedicated Storybook.
For two semesters now, I have been teaching my own coding class at Sciences Po Paris for masters students. I created a JavaScript curriculum aimed to understand the basis of programming: variables, loops, functions, conditions. Later during the semester, students learn web development - HTML, CSS and frontend JS.
I tutored a small group of EMLyon students during a trimester. This group was working on a class called "Processing with AI".
I have been creating courses and projects for OpenClassrooms for almost 3 years now. I started with existing courses that needed adaptation, and then later, started creating my own courses.
Here are the last 3 :